How to Meet Fairies with only Food

If you are eager to meet fairies then you should try it with only offering them food. That is one of the ways that people believe if a human wants to meet fairies. Getting into the Realm of Fairies, the fairies’ world is not easy. At least, we have something special to make fairies attract to us.

Food for Fairies

Are you one of those who are willing to give an offering to meet fairies? Here is how. Give food for fairies as a gift or offering. They like something sweet like cake, sugar, and cupcake. In several countries, the fairies will curse a certain home and be angry if there is not any food left for them.

Meet Fairies
Meet Fairies

If you see your glass of milk spills, you shouldn’t be curious why it happened. One of the fairies might be the one who did it. Just believe in the story about fairies, and leave the food in your house. You shouldn’t eat the food that is left out overnight since the food will go bad. Once the fairies take your food (they only take the energy of the food through the essence), the food cannot be consumed again.

A Great Recipe for Fairies

Here is a recipe you can make to invite fairies eating it.

Lavender Blossoms

  • Flour (1 cup)
  • Egg (1)
  • Lavender sugar (½ cup)
  • Butter (1)
  • Salt (¼ teaspoon)
  • Lavender Blossoms (1 ½ teaspoon)
  • Baking powder (1 teaspoon)

The step is just you need to pour the sugar and butter. After that, mix them with the egg, and pour lavender blossoms. read also

Put salt, baking soda, and flour altogether and use a mixer to mix. Then, the mixture needs the butter. Use a teaspoon to drop the dough into cookie-sheet that is ungreased. Put in the oven in 370 degrees for around 10 minutes.

Meet Fairies
Meet Fairies

You can also try this recipe too:

On a dusk eve or a dawn morn, you need to look for a bottle, and pour these things:

  • Gathered rain or spring water (1 cup)
  • Petals of pink rose (1 teaspoon)
  • Amethyst chips (3)
  • Pink ribbon (nine-inch piece)
  • Lavender flowers (1 teaspoon)
  • Crystals (3 quartz)

After that, hide this food away for three days in a cool and dark place. After the third day, put the bottle again at dusk or dawn like a mushroom patch, garden, oak tree, or anyplace that the fairies like to visit. Put a ribbon around the bottle’s neck. Then, make your eyes closed and sprinkle your eyelid with nine drops of Faery Potion Water.

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