What is The Criteria of Poetry Essay?

What is The Criteria of Poetry Essay? Surely, you have known about poetry. But, how about a poetry essay? Have you known about the criteria of poetry essay? Is it the same with poetry in general? Ok, this article will discuss the poetry essay and the criteria. Below are the explanations.

The General View Of Poetry Essay

What is The Criteria of Poetry Essay?
The General View Of Poetry Essay

A poetry essay is a poetry written based on the facts of certain events and set forth in an easily understood communication language. Essay poetry distinguishes itself from lyrical poetry which is often written based on imagination, and often uses symbolic language or metaphors that are difficult to understand. Although raised from factual events, poetic essays are still fiction. Event facts are only the background of the story the essay poet wanted to build.

If in poetry lyrics events such as the sinking of the sun or falling rain are described as merely poetic events, then in poetry events raised are events that have a social dimension in a certain time and space. To properly understand the social dimension of an event an essay poet conducts in-depth research. He needs references to strengthen facts, present data, or clarify issues. Therefore the essay poem is accompanied by footnotes to emphasize that the story he picked is a concrete human story that is involved in social reality or historical events, not something that is absent, foreign, and abstract-as depictions that often appear in lyric poetry.

The Criteria Of Poetry Essay

What is The Criteria of Poetry Essay?
The Criteria Of Poetry Essay

Then, what are the criteria for a poetry essay? Below are the :

First, the poetry essay basically explores the individual inner side who are in a conflict of social. If Budi falls in love with Ani, that alone is not enough to become an essay poem. His condition must be changed to Budi falls in love with Ani, but they are of different religion, caste, or social class, causing a problem in a particular community.

Second, essay poetry uses language that can be understood easily. All language tools such as metaphors, analogies, etc. are good to choose from. But it has endeavored that anyone can quickly understand the message that the poem is about to convey.

Third, the poetry essay is actually fiction. This poetry is okay for the essay poem to photograph real figures living in history. But that reality is full of various fictitious figures and dramatization. What is important by essay poetry is that a story has conveyed contemplation and the content of moral, it is not only an accurate history portrait. Because it is fiction, the writer is very free to make dramatization to be more touching and more contemplative.

What is The Criteria of Poetry Essay?
What is The Criteria of Poetry Essay?

Fourth, essay poetry is not only born from the poet’s imagination but the result of minimal research in social reality. He responds to social issues that are vibrating in a community, whatever that is. In this case, the footnote becomes central in the essay poem because it shows that this fiction departs from social facts. Since the beginning of this poetic essay indeed combines fiction and fact. The element of fact in the essay poem is represented by the footnote.

Fifth, poetry essays are long and deep. Basically, the poetry essay is a drama or short story that is being quizzed. In an essay poem, the dynamics of the main actor’s character or changes in a social reality should be drawn. The dynamics of character and change in a social reality that in itself requires a story that is full of character.

Those are the explanations of the definition and also the criteria of poetry essay.

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